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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What jobs can I get as a Marketing major in college?

Hey y'all! I'm thinking about going into Marketing when I get into college. I hear there's opportunities to get work while still in school? If so, what are potential jobs I could get as a Marketing major WHILE I'm in college? I want to gain as much experience early on as I can.

3 months ago

Hello! As a Marketing major, there are indeed a variety of roles available to you that would allow you to gain practical experience while still in school. Here are a few options:

1. Marketing Intern: Many companies offer internship positions specifically for college students. Working as a Marketing Intern will expose you to different facets of the field, from developing advertising strategies to conducting market research.

2. Social Media Assistant: A role as a Social Media Assistant will give you a hands-on approach to digital marketing. You would be managing various social media accounts, creating engaging content and learning about the best ways to interact with the target audience.

3. Content Creator: Be it blogging, video creation, or graphic design, the need for creative content is at an all-time high in the marketing space. If you have a knack for creating appealing content for various platforms, this would be a great role.

4. Brand Ambassador: Companies often search for students to act as Brand Ambassadors on college campuses. These roles involve advocating for the company, promoting their products or services and organizing campus events.

5. Research Assistant: If you're more interested in the analytical aspect, working as a Research Assistant could be ideal. This could involve conducting market research, analyzing consumer behavior, or tracking marketing trends.

Remember that each role offers unique experiences and learning opportunities. It's less about finding the "perfect" job and more about exploring your interests within the field of Marketing. Good luck!

3 months ago

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