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Best Georgia Junior Colleges for Science Majors?

Hi guys! I'm currently considering local junior colleges as a more affordable option. For those who are acquainted with educational institutions in Georgia, can you recommend some top junior colleges for Science majors?

3 months ago

Sure, I can definitely guide you on some notable junior colleges in Georgia for Science majors. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Georgia State University's Perimeter College - Known for its Associate of Science (AS) degrees in areas like Biology and Chemistry. It has also implemented a program called "Pathway to a bachelor’s degree" that allows you to smoothly transition to a four-year degree at Georgia State University.

2. Georgia Highlands College - Another feasible option, particularly known for its robust Natural Science and Physical Education programs. Its small class sizes assure more individualized attention.

3. Atlanta Metropolitan State College - Atlanta Metropolitan offers a strong Associate degree in Science aimed at preparing students for future study in various fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, and pre-engineering.

4. Gwinnett Technical College- Offers structural pathway programs that include Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, designed to ensure a seamless transition to a four-year institution for a Bachelor's degree.

Remember, it's important to not only look at the programs offered but also how these programs are supported. Look out for opportunities for lab work, research projects, and how these schools may partner with local universities or businesses in the science industry. Lastly, visiting colleges, if possible, might give you a better sense of the campus culture and resources, which can be equally important when making a decision.

3 months ago

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