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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Top Liberal Arts Colleges for Education Majors?

Hey everyone, I've been thinking about becoming a teacher. Does anyone know of any exceptional liberal arts colleges for education majors?

3 months ago

Absolutely! If you're interested in majoring in education and you'd like to attend a liberal arts college, there are several renowned institutions you should consider:

1. Swarthmore College: Swarthmore College's Educational Studies program is highly regarded and takes an interdisciplinary approach to understand education in a societal context.

2. Carleton College: Carleton has an Educational Studies Department that covers a broad curriculum and allows students to explore different aspects of education theories and practice.

3. Bowdoin College: Bowdoin has a unique Education department where students not only study the foundation of education, but also have the opportunity for teaching experiences under the supervision of a teacher-mentor.

4. Bates College: Bates College offers an Education minor that combines critical analysis, theoretical exploration, and practical application within the field of education.

Remember to review the specific departments at these schools in greater detail to figure out which one fits best with your educational goals and career aspirations in teaching. You might also want to consider the teaching certification process of the state where the college is located, as some states have reciprocity agreements that allow teachers certified in one state to teach in another with minimal additional requirements.

3 months ago

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