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Best Theater Liberal Arts Colleges?

I'm really into theater and I want to continue pursuing it in college. I'm looking to apply to liberal arts colleges, so does anyone know any with great theater programs?

3 months ago

Sure! There are many well-regarded liberal arts colleges known for their strong theater programs. Below are a few examples, but keep in mind that it is equally important to find a school that fits you well in other aspects, such as size, location, other majors, etc.

- Amherst College: It has an open curriculum, allowing you to explore courses in and out of theater, giving you a well-rounded education. The theater program is well-funded, producing many shows annually.

- Wesleyan University: The Theater Department is known for its emphasis on critical and creative thought. You get the chance to explore a broad array of works from different cultures and historical periods.

- Williams College: The theater program here is known for integrating study and practice. Additionally, the Williamstown Theatre Festival, a professional theater company, is held on campus during the summer, providing students with opportunities to work with professionals in the field.

- Swarthmore College: Swarthmore’s Department of Theater encourages innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of theatre within the liberal arts setting, with a combination of theory and practice.

- Vassar College: The Drama Department offers in-depth study in theatre history, playwriting, directing, and design. Notably, Vassar annually hosts the Powerhouse Summer Theater workshop series in collaboration with New York Stage and Film, integrating professional artists into the learning experience.

Ensure to explore each program's curriculum and look at their approach to theater. Some may place a stronger emphasis on theory, while others lean more towards hands-on performance opportunities. Also look into actual student productions, performance spaces available on campus, opportunities for learning through internships and assistantships, post-graduation support, and how active the alumni are in the theater industry. These will help you pick a college that's a perfect match for your career goals.

3 months ago

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