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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Figuring out the best major and college for me?

Hey all, I'm feeling a little lost about what path to take. Any advice on figuring out the best major and college for me? I want to make sure I choose something that fits my interests and career goals while also providing me with the opportunities I'll need for future success!

3 months ago

Absolutely! The first step is to identify what you are passionate about or what you are interested in. Is there an area you excel in? Do you enjoy books, numbers, research, or hands-on tasks? These interests can help guide your major decision.

Once you have a broad understanding of your interests, look for majors that align with those interests. Researching different majors can shed light on what careers they can lead to. Majors do not always determine careers, but they can shape your skills and knowledge in certain fields.

To match your career goals, research what majors often lead to those careers. For example, if you're interested in becoming a software engineer, a major in Computer Science would be beneficial. Or if you wish to work in healthcare, but not necessarily as a doctor, you might consider majors such as Public Health or Biomedical Engineering.

Now, choosing a college that suits your major and career goals requires more research. Universities often specialize in certain fields, and you'll want to choose a school that is known for the major you're interested in. Look into the programs, faculty, resources, and opportunities each university provides for your selected major.

Additionally, consider the overall qualities of the universities you're looking at and remember not to compromise too much on other aspects that you value in a college experience. Such aspects could be location, size, diversity, cost, extracurricular activities, or campus culture.

Lastly, I encourage you to reach out to current students or professionals in your desired field. They can share their insights on what majors or colleges helped them in their journey, or any tips or mistakes to avoid. This firsthand information could be very useful in your decision-making process.

I hope these steps provide some clarity and get you started on your journey. Remember, this is your path, make it yours and enjoy the journey!

3 months ago

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