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Is there a best major for college admission?

I was wondering, is there something like a 'best' major for college admission? Like, do colleges prefer applicants from certain study fields? If so, could someone maybe explain how that works?

3 months ago

When it comes to college admissions, it's crucial to understand that there is no "best" major that makes an application more appealing. Rather, colleges are interested in seeing students who show a genuine passion, engagement, and aptitude for their chosen field of study. This typically includes a track record of rigorous coursework, relevant extracurriculars, and possibly even capstone projects or research in your intended major.

Different schools might have competitive programs for specific fields of study. For instance, a university might be well-known for its Engineering or Humanities program and hence receive a high volume of applications in those areas. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that applying under that field will make your application more appealing. In fact, it may be even more competitive due to the higher number of applications.

Each college evaluates applications holistically, considering not only what you want to study but who you are as an individual. Admissions committees typically want to create a well-rounded student body, which naturally encompasses a wide range of interests, backgrounds, and major choices.

The bottom line? Choose a major that aligns with your interests, strengths, and career goals. Majoring in something simply because you believe it might make your application more appealing can lead to a less than fulfilling college experience and lower grades if you're not truly invested in the subject.

3 months ago

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