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Best major for a freshman?

Hey! I'm entering college as a freshman next year. A bit anxious, TBH. I'm undecided on my major, so I was wondering if there's like a major that's best for a freshman? One that will help me navigate my first year smoothly while I figure out what I truly want to major in?

3 months ago

Great question! The thought of choosing a major can indeed seem overwhelming, but it's important to remember that you don't necessarily need to have everything figured out at the start of your freshman year.

It's quite common for freshmen to enter college as "undecided" or "undeclared" majors. This allows you to explore a variety of courses during your first year while gaining a better understanding of your specific interests and strengths. Many colleges encourage this exploration during the first year, and they often have advisors on hand to help you navigate your course choices.

If you have a broad area of interest, such as science or humanities, you might consider choosing a general major within that field while you learn more about your specific passions. For instance, if you're interested in sciences, you might decide to start with a general biology or chemistry major, then later focus on a more specific major like biochemistry or neuroscience. Similarly, if you're leaning towards humanities, a general humanities major could be a good starting point.

Consider taking a variety of General Education (Gen Ed) classes in different areas. These could expose you to a variety of different disciplines that you may not have initially considered. Plus, these classes often fulfill graduation requirements, regardless of your final major.

Remember, the best major for you as a freshman depends on you and your interests. The goal of your first year is to learn about yourself, discover your passion, and make a more informed decision about your major. So in essence, any major that allows you flexibility in exploring various fields might be the best suited for your freshman year.

Lastly, don't hesitate to seek guidance from your college's academic advisers—they can provide valuable insights and assistance as you navigate this process. A great starting point is the discussion about your interests, strengths, and future goals. That'll help inform your decision on your major. You've got this!

3 months ago

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