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SAT: 720 math
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What's the best major given the current economy?

With the current economy being a bit uncertain, I'm worried about my career prospects post-college. In this context, what do you guys think would be the best major for me to consider for increasing my opportunities after graduation?

3 months ago

That's a completely valid concern. When considering career prospects in the current economy, one broad field of study that stands out is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The growing need for tech-savvy professionals across all sectors continues to drive opportunities in this field. Majors like Computer Science, Data Science, Bioinformatics, or any Engineering specialty could set you up well.

Healthcare is another robust sector that's seeing increasing demand, partly spurred by the ongoing pandemic. If you're interested, you could explore majors like Nursing, Public Health, or even Applied Psychological Science which has seen a surge in demand lately.

Also, sustainability-related fields are seeing a lot of growth. If the environment and sustainability interest you, consider programs like Environmental Science, Sustainability Studies, or Climate Science.

However, remember that the "best" major varies person to person based on your strengths and interests. For example, if you love writing but not math, a STEM field might not be the best for you. Don't pick a major solely based on predicted job opportunities. You'll excel (and be happiest) when you pursue a field that genuinely interests you.

So, think about the subjects you enjoy and are good at, research what types of careers are typically associated with those majors, and then consider if those careers are viable in the current and predicted job market. This would give you a decent start to find your 'best' major.

3 months ago

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