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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What major should I aim for to land a good job straight outta college?

Hello guys! I just want to have a head start and pick a major that will help me get a good job the second I step out of college. Any advice?

3 months ago

Choosing a major that aligns with a high-demand industry can increase your job prospects upon graduation. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Computer Science: The tech industry is booming and isn't showing signs of slowing down. With a major in computer science, you could target roles such as software engineer, data scientist, or cybersecurity analyst, all of which are in high demand.

2. Nursing: The health care sector constantly needs more professionals, especially in our current climate. A Nursing degree can set you up for a solid career path with good compensation.

3. Engineering: Various types of engineering jobs are perennially in demand. Electrical, civil, mechanical, and chemical engineering can open doors to numerous industries where your skills will be valued.

4. Business/Economics/Finance: A major in business or finance generally leads to versatile career opportunities. You could aim for roles in banking, marketing, consulting, financial planning, or entrepreneurship.

5. Education: There's always a need for teachers, particularly in certain regions and specializations. Plus, having a degree in education can lead to other roles, such as educational consulting or administration.

Remember, while picking an in-demand major can be a positive step, it will still be necessary to acquire related skills, internships, or work experience in your field of interest. Your chosen major may open doors, but it's up to you to walk through them.

3 months ago

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