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Best minors to complement a Business major?

Hey everyone! I've decided to major in business when I hit College, but I'm not sure which minor to pair it up with. Do you guys have suggestions for solid minors that pair well with a business major?

5 months ago

There are numerous minors you could consider that might complement a business major nicely, each with their own strengths and focus areas. Here are some options you might find interesting:

1. Economics: Understand the economic forces that influence business operations and decisions. This can be especially powerful if you're interested in entering industries like finance or consulting.

2. Computer Science: With the world revolving more around technology with each passing day, a background in CS could give you an edge in understanding tech trends, managing tech projects, or even starting a tech company.

3. Psychology: Understanding how people think and behave can be invaluable in many business contexts, from marketing to human resources.

4. Foreign Language: If you’re interested in international business or global marketplaces, fluency in a second language can be a real asset.

5. Entrepreneurship: While not as traditional as other options, some schools offer this as a minor. It could be beneficial if you're aspiring to start your own business.

6. Data Analysis / Statistics: In our data-driven world, being able to understand and interpret data is a highly valued skill in virtually every industry.

Depending on your career goals and personal interests, the “best” minor to complement a business major can vary greatly from person to person. Consider your own areas of interest and future career intentions when deciding.

5 months ago

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