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Best NYC colleges for coding majors?

Guys, I'm really pumped about pursuing a major that's coding related! And I'm hoping to do so in the magic of New York City. Can anyone suggest the NYC colleges renowned for their coding, or computer science majors?

5 months ago

Absolutely! New York City has quite a few options when it comes to strong programs for computer science and coding. Here are a few colleges that are particularly well-known for their strength in these areas:

1. Columbia University: Columbia has a strong Computer Science department with a comprehensive curriculum that covers numerous areas of computer science. Additionally, students are in an advantageous position for internships given the university's location in Manhattan.

2. New York University (NYU): The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU is renowned for its Computer Science program. Students at Courant have the opportunity to engage in research, and the program's location in the city offers a plethora of internship opportunities.

3. Cornell Tech: While technically a part of Cornell University, the Cornell Tech campus resides in NYC on Roosevelt Island. They offer a Master's in Computer Science that's connected with industries and tech companies operating in the city.

4. The City College of New York (CUNY): City College is another great option, with a Computer Science department that provides a solid foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of computing.

Remember, when considering these programs, assess how well each program fits with your own academic goals and career interests, as well as the overall college environment.

5 months ago

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