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Finding the Right Online History Program?

Hey guys, I'm leaning towards majoring in history but due to personal circumstances, I'm thinking about doing it online. Could anyone recommend some top-notch online programs for history? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are numerous quality online history programs that offer a robust and engaging curriculum. When choosing an online program, it's crucial to focus on factors like accreditation, flexibility, the expertise of faculty, and the program's specific curriculum.

1. Penn State World Campus: Penn State World Campus' Bachelor of Arts in History program is highly regarded and notable. It offers a multidisciplinary approach to history, giving students a comprehensive understanding of historical trends and events.

2. University of Central Florida (UCF): UCF's online Bachelor of Arts in History degree allows students to dive deep into various aspects of history while giving them the flexibility to balance their studies with other responsibilities.

3. University of Massachusetts - Lowell: The UMASS Lowell online Bachelor of Arts in History is a solid choice. It encourages critical thinking, evaluation of evidence, and development of written arguments, which are beneficial skills regardless of your career path.

4. Arizona State University (ASU): ASU's online history program is flexible and comprehensive, allowing students to explore various historical periods and places.

Remember, each program has its unique traits and specific requirements, so make sure to do some additional research to see which aligns best with your interests and long-term goals.

5 months ago

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