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Good Online Public College for English Major?

I'm prepping for college and want to major in English. Because of my current situation, I think an online public college would be the best fit for me. Can anyone recommend some? I could use some guidance.

5 months ago

Certainly! There are several online public colleges that offer reputable English programs.

1. University of Central Florida (UCF) - UCF's online English program allows students to study Literature, Technical Communication, or Creative Writing.

2. Arizona State University (ASU) - ASU offers an online Bachelor of Arts in English program, providing a background in British, American, and world literature.

3. University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) - UMGC provides an online Bachelor’s in English program where students can study the English language, literature and writing, and the humanities.

4. Oregon State University (OSU) - OSU’s online English degree offers a diverse selection of specialization areas, including Creative Writing, Film, and Literature.

5. University of Massachusetts-Lowell (UMass Lowell) - This program, offered online, provides a robust understanding of British and American literature.

When deciding on a program, you might want to look into the course curriculum, faculty, and the resources the school offers for online learners. Also, consider your interests and career goals. If you're into creative writing, for instance, an online program that offers a concentration in this area could be a good fit. Similarly, if you're interested in a career as an editor or technical writer, you might look for programs that offer relevant coursework in these areas. Lastly, make sure to check the admission criteria and deadlines in order to plan accordingly.

5 months ago

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