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Looking for small colleges offering Archaeology

My primary interest lies in Archaeology and I have a preference for a small college environment. Does anyone have information on any small colleges renowned for their Archaeology majors?

5 months ago

Absolutely! Let's look at a few small colleges that have strong archaeology programs.

1. Bryn Mawr College - Located in Pennsylvania, this outstanding liberal arts college offers an Archaeology major. They have a robust curriculum, crossing disciplines like Anthropology, Geology, and Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology. Additionally, their faculty are well-regarded in the field.

2. Hamilton College - Situated in New York, Hamilton College has a solid archaeology program under their Anthropology department. They have a well-equipped archaeology lab and offer fieldwork opportunities.

3. Oberlin College - This Ohio-based institution has a unique Archaeological Studies program that is interdepartmental, engaging faculty members from areas such as Classics, Anthropology, Art, and Religion. This gives their students a broad perspective on the field.

4. Reed College - This Oregon-based school offers a major in Anthropology with a focus on Archaeology. Their curriculum encourages students to engage in hands-on field study and research.

Remember, when looking at smaller schools, you might not get the massive resources of large research institutions, but you get the advantage of smaller class sizes, closer relationships with professors, and potentially more opportunities for field work and hands-on learning experiences. Hope this helps in your search!

5 months ago

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