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Top International Relations Schools?

Hey guys, I'm looking to major in international relations and I was wondering - what are the best colleges for my major according to US News or similar rankings? Do these rankings vary a lot from year to year or are there consistently good schools for IR?

5 months ago

The top universities for International Relations, according to various rankings such as US News, Foreign Policy, and others, mostly include broadly prestigious schools that also have particularly strong IR programs. Here are some consistently highlighted schools:

1. Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service: Known for its location in D.C. and close connections to U.S. government.

2. Johns Hopkins University: Particularly the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) which is a division designated specifically for the study of international relations.

3. Harvard University: Harvard's Kennedy School of Government offers many IR-focused courses.

4. Princeton University has the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, named after a U.S. president who was deeply involved in international politics.

5. Stanford University also offers a strong program in International Relations, with interdisciplinary classes pulling from its top departments.

6. Columbia University: With the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and easy access to the United Nations, makes it a great place for IR.

7. Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy is also highly ranked.

These schools are almost perpetually at the top, with some minor swapping of positions. Variation tends to be minimal from year to year, as schools have consistently strong programs or ongoing resources like location, alumni networks, and faculty. However, it's crucial to remember that these rankings don't tell the whole story. Different programs have different strengths and specialties, and depending on your specific interests within international relations (such as global security or international development), other programs could be a better fit. Always dig deeper into course catalogs, faculty research interests, and opportunities for internships or study abroad in regions of the world you're particularly interested in.

5 months ago

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