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Best SoCal colleges for accounting

I'm super interested in pursuing accounting as a career and would appreciate any recommendations for Southern California colleges known for strong accounting programs.

5 months ago

There are many strong accounting programs in Southern California. My top recommendations would be:

1. University of Southern California (USC): USC's Marshall School of Business has an undergraduate program in accounting that is one of the best in the nation. Their Leventhal School of Accounting specifically offers a progressive degree wherein students can earn a Master's degree with just one extra year of study, which could be great for your career progression in accounting.

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Even though they don't have a standalone undergraduate accounting program, the business economics major at UCLA has a strong focus on accounting. They also have a solid reputation and a wide alumni network, which can be beneficial for finding job opportunities post-graduation.

3. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo: This is another excellent school with a highly-ranked Orfalea College of Business. They have an undergraduate business administration program with a concentration in accounting. The school also offers an integrated B.S. degree to Master's program in accountancy that could be beneficial for your career.

4. San Diego State University (SDSU): SDSU's Fowler College of Business houses a well-established Charles W. Lamden school of accountancy. They provide both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in accounting. The Master’s of Science in Accountancy specifically is held in high regard.

Lastly, though it's important to consider the strength of the accounting program, don't forget to take into account the overall fit of the college as well – its location, size, campus culture, access to internships, etc. It's important to choose a school where you'll be happy and thrive.

5 months ago

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