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Best colleges in California for breaking into investment banking

Hey everyone! I'm currently a high school junior who's really interested in investment banking. Is anybody here familiar with which California colleges tend to place well in the industry?

5 months ago

Hello! Your interest in investment banking is a clear indicator that you are thinking ahead about your career, which is commendable.

First off, investment banks typically focus their recruitment efforts at so-called "target schools", which have a reputation for high-caliber students and strong finance programs.

The University of California, Berkeley, particularly its Haas School of Business, is renowned for its strong placement in investment banking firms. Though highly selective, many students have had successful careers in investment banking starting from here.

Stanford University is another strong choice. Outside of its well-known tech and entrepreneurship focus, many Stanford graduates find themselves in investment banks, especially due to the prestige of the university and its close relationships with top firms.

The University of Southern California, specifically the Marshall School of Business, is also worth considering. They have a dedicated career services office and numerous finance clubs that connect students directly with the industry.

Lastly, while Claremont McKenna is a small liberal arts college, it's part of the Claremont Colleges consortium and is renowned for its economics major and financial economics sequence, which have a record of placing well with investment banks.

Remember, it's also essential that you're proactive about securing internships, networking, and excelling acadically to make the most of these opportunities. Best of luck in your college search and future career!

5 months ago

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