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Best Pre-med Colleges in the Northeast?

I'm hoping to go pre-med after high school. Could anyone suggest some of the best undergraduate colleges for pre-medicine majors in the Northeast?

5 months ago

Sure! There are many great schools in the Northeast for students interested in pre-med. Each has a strong emphasis on undergraduate science education and partnerships with top hospitals to provide research opportunities. Here are a few notable suggestions:

1. Harvard University: Known for top-notch academics and research. Through the Harvard Medical School and its affiliated hospitals, there are plenty of opportunities for undergraduate research.

2. Johns Hopkins University: Another known for its strong programs in the sciences and a standout medical school. They have the unique FlexMed Early Assurance program which allows sophomore premedical students to apply for a guaranteed admission into their medical school.

3. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn has a direct affiliation with the Perelman School of Medicine, offering numerous research and volunteering opportunities. This will allow you to gain substantial experience as an undergraduate pre-med student.

4. Brown University: It offers an 8-year Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME), accepting high school seniors for medical school early. It's an accelerated program that also focuses on a liberal arts education.

5. Dartmouth College: Known for its strong emphasis on undergrad teaching and top-tier medical school the Geisel School of Medicine. This college provides a good balance of liberal arts education and pre-med coursework.

Remember, the best school for you will depend on your own individual needs and goals -- a fit that extends beyond academic programs. Be sure to visit these schools, meet with their pre-med advisors to understand shared opportunities and course requirements.

5 months ago

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