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Seeking Suggestions: Best California Community College for Computer Science

A bit stressed, here. Looking to start my higher studies in Computer Science at a community college in California due to finances. Any recommendations on where to start?

5 months ago

One highly recommended option is Foothill College, located in Los Altos Hills. Their Computer Science program is comprehensive with courses that are well-instructed, ensuring that students have a strong foundation in this field. Additionally, their reputation for high transfer rates to 4-year institutions, particularly to the UC and CSU systems, could be an excellent pathway towards achieving your bachelor's degree in the future.

Another option is De Anza College in Cupertiono. It's often referred to as a top-tier community college, especially in areas like Computer Science. They have outstanding teachers and offer a variety of CS courses, many of which transfer to four-year universities.

Also, consider Santa Monica College if you are in or near Los Angeles. This college is known for its high university transfer rate. They boast a strong CS department and numerous student resources, including tutoring centers.

Remember, a crucial aspect of choosing a community college will be the articulation agreements the community colleges have with four-year colleges. You'll want to make sure that the credits you earn will be transferrable to the four-year school you plan to attend after you complete your time at the community college.

While all these colleges have great CS programs, it's equally important that they align with your personal needs and career aspirations. Be sure to consider factors such as location, class size, availability of support services, and opportunities for internships or collaborations with local tech companies.

5 months ago

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