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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does earning honor cords for high GPA matter to colleges?

I’ve been pushing to get good grades throughout high school, and I might be eligible for honor cords when I graduate. I’m proud of that, but do colleges care about these kinds of recognitions?

a year ago

Congratulations on your dedication to achieving such a strong academic record! While the physical honor cords themselves are not a focus for college admissions committees, the hard work and high GPA that earned you those honor cords absolutely do matter.

Colleges are interested in your transcript and the grades you've received, which reflect your academic rigor and performance. Your GPA is a component of the Academic Index, which colleges use to initially determine your eligibility before reviewing your application holistically, so a high one can certainly help you get your foot in the door, especially at highly selective schools. If you want to read more about the Academic Index, check out CollegeVine's blog:

Earning honor cords can be a nice way to publicly acknowledge your academic achievements, and you should certainly feel proud of your hard work! Remember, though, that your GPA is already detailed on your transcript, which is the primary document colleges will review for evidence of your academic performance. So while they won't consider the cords themselves, the grades and rigor behind them are definitely significant. Congrats again and good luck with your college process!

a year ago

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