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Top community colleges for accounting in California?

Hello! I'm focusing on Community colleges in California for my accounting degree. Any recommendations on which ones offer the best programs?

5 months ago

Sure, there are several community colleges in California that offer high-quality accounting programs. Here are few that come highly recommended.

1. Santa Monica College – This college offers a well-rounded Accounting Associate degree, and it's often recognized for its strong transfer rates to four-year universities.

2. Pasadena City College – Their accounting program prepares students for roles in various business environments.

3. Diablo Valley College – This college's program offers an excellent mix of theory and practice, which is useful if you're looking to gain both knowledge and skills.

4. Foothill College – This college has a comprehensive accounting program that prepares students to transfer to four-year institutions or begin entry-level positions.

5. De Anza College – This college has an excellent student transfer rate to four-year colleges. Their Accounting program combines business, economics, and accounting classes.

Remember to consider factors such as class sizes, teacher rating, available resources, and internship opportunities when making your decision. It would be best to visit their respective websites and get more information on their course offerings and admission details before making a decision.

5 months ago

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