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Top Photography Programs at Community Colleges in California?

Hey, everyone! I'm really passionate about photography and planning to go to a community college in California first. Can anyone share what the best community college for photography might be? And what makes it great, like the courses they offer, faculty, or facilities? Thanks.

5 months ago

I absolutely understand your passion for photography and seeking the right fit college to pursue your dream. If you're looking at community colleges in California, let's focus on a few that are particularly noteworthy for their strong photography programs.

One of the top contenders is Santa Monica College (SMC). Their photography department is pretty comprehensive. The curriculum looks at both traditional and digital photography and includes classes in studio lighting, commercial photography, and photojournalism, among others. The faculty are experienced, and many are working professionals in the field. SMC also has a mac lab and studio space which should be vital for your hands-on experience.

Another worth noting is Pasadena City College (PCC). PCC has an extensive course list providing everything from basic photo editing to black-and-white darkroom practices. Also, they occasionally have guest lectures from notable figures in the industry, which could certainly broaden your photography insights.

Finally, you might also want to consider De Anza College in Cupertino. De Anza has an Electronic Imaging and Photography program and offers degrees in both professional photography and photographic art. They have well-equipped darkrooms and digital labs. Just like at SMC and PCC, the faculty here are experienced photographers and passionate educators.

Remember, when selecting a college, it's not just about facilities and course provision. While these are key, be sure to connect with current students or recent alumni to learn more about the campus culture, student opportunities, and career pathways. Overall, it's about the fit for you and your goals in photography. Hope this helps and best of luck finding the right program for you!

5 months ago

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