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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone have experience with taking the CLEP exam at home?

Hello, with everything being online these days, I heard we can do the CLEP exams from home now. Has anyone tried this, and if so, what was your setup like? Were there any technical issues I should be aware of before scheduling?

a year ago

Hey there! So, the College Board is pretty strict about the testing environment, even at home. You'll need a quiet space where you won't be interrupted, a computer with a webcam, and a reliable internet connection.

The software you have to use usually does a system check before you start, so make sure to run that ahead of time to avoid any last-minute stress. Also, remember that you'll be monitored via webcam to ensure academic honesty.

As for technical issues, a common one is if the internet connection drops or if there's an unexpected glitch with the exam software. To mitigate this, try to use a wired connection if possible, and close any unnecessary programs running on your computer to ensure it runs as smoothly as it can.

If something does go wrong, there's usually a way to contact a proctor or tech support during the exam. Just be sure to verify the specific process for technical issues before you begin the test, so you're not left scrambling. Good luck with your CLEP exam!

a year ago

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