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Want to pursue acting, any recommendations for California colleges?

Hey all, acting is my dream and I want to get a good base in college. I've always heard Hollywood being referred to as an actor's paradise, so I assume California colleges should have some solid programs. Can anyone suggest some good colleges for that there?

5 months ago

Absolutely! California does offer a variety of programs with strong reputations in acting.

1. University of Southern California (USC): USC's School of Dramatic Arts is known for its BFA in Acting program, which combines comprehensive voice, movement, and acting technique training with academic courses.

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA's School of Theater, Film, and Television has an interesting BA in Theater program with an Acting concentration as well as an MFA in Acting. What's unique with UCLA is its connection with the film and television industry given its proximity to Hollywood.

3. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): Its School of Theater offers a comprehensive BFA and MFA for actors looking to develop their skill sets not just in acting but in directing, dramaturgy, and design as well.

4. San Francisco State University (SFSU): Located in Northern California, SFSU has a strong reputation for its B.A. and M.A. in Drama program, which focuses more on a detailed study of theater history, while also having comprehensive acting and production training.

Remember that each of these programs will look for different things in an application, so it will be valuable to visit their respective websites to view their unique requirements. And, if possible, try to see a performance at these schools when you visit - you will likely get a better sense of the programs and if it's the right fit for you than just by reading their websites or promotional materials. Keep honing your craft and break a leg!

5 months ago

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