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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I find universities akin to Emory, specifically its pre-med program and campus environment?

As someone aiming for medical school, I'm super impressed by Emory's reputation for strong pre-med advising and opportunities. I figure it’s smart to have back-up options though. What are some other colleges that offer a similarly supportive environment for pre-med students and boast a campus culture like Emory's?

a year ago

Searching for colleges with strong pre-med programs and a campus culture similar to Emory is a sensible approach. Consider universities that are affiliated with medical schools and hospitals, as they often provide extensive research and clinical opportunities for undergraduates.

Schools like Johns Hopkins, Washington University in St. Louis, and Vanderbilt come to mind due to their renowned pre-med advisement and research facilities. Additionally, liberal arts colleges like Amherst and Swarthmore offer excellent pre-med advising with a tight-knit community vibe that may resemble Emory's atmosphere.

Another avenue to explore is the availability of structured pre-med programs or committees, dedicated pre-health advising teams, and a strong record of med school placements. University websites, pre-med forums, and guidebooks can offer insights into these elements.

Lastly, remember to consider the holistic nature of each campus—from the size and diversity to the extracurricular opportunities and surrounding community. Visiting the campuses, if possible, and attending virtual information sessions can also give you a sense of the atmosphere each school offers. Best of luck with your search and future applications!

a year ago

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