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What are 'AB classes' in high school?

I hear a lot about AP and IB classes, but recently someone mentioned 'AB classes' during a college prep meeting. Can someone explain what these are? Are they like APs, and do colleges look at them favorably?

11 months ago

I'm guessing there was a bit of a mix-up in that meeting! Generally, the two well-known advanced academic programs are AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate). You can think of them as college-level courses that high school students can take for advanced credit.

AP classes are offered in many high schools in the United States, and IB is a global program with its own diploma. Now, as for 'AB classes,' that's not a standard term. It's possible someone meant 'A/B day schedule,' which refers to a type of class scheduling. Otherwise, it might have just been a slip of the tongue or confusion with 'AP' classes.

To answer the second part of your question, colleges definitely look favorably on AP and IB classes because they show that a student is challenging themselves with more rigorous coursework. Hope that clears things up!

11 months ago

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