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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is there a significant difference between attending a HBCU versus a PWI?

Hey everyone, as I'm considering my college options, I've been looking into both predominantly white institutions (PWIs) and historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). I've heard different things about the campus culture and opportunities at various schools. Could someone elaborate on the differences from personal experiences?

a year ago

Hey there! Choosing between an HBCU and a PWI can indeed offer different experiences, each with its unique benefits. My child chose an HBCU and has found the campus culture to be incredibly enriching, surrounded by a strong sense of community and shared experiences. It has been a tremendous source of support and empowerment for them.

In terms of opportunities, HBCUs can offer a network that connects students to internships, jobs, and mentorships within the community that may not be as readily accessible at PWIs. On the other hand, PWIs can offer a diverse set of experiences and resources that can be quite enriching as well. T

he important thing is to consider where you feel most supported and where you believe you can thrive academically and socially. I'd recommend visiting both types of institutions, talking to current students, and perhaps sitting in on classes to get a true feel for campus life. Your own comfort and ability to see yourself growing at a particular school should be a guiding factor in your decision.

a year ago

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