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Minnesota colleges and ROTC programs?

Hey! I'm a junior from Minnesota considering a possible military career post-college, so I wanted to ask, are there any colleges here that are especially accommodating towards students interested in joining ROTC? Thanks a lot!

4 months ago

Hello! That's a great plan, and ROTC is an excellent pathway to a military career. There are various colleges in Minnesota that offer ROTC programs. These include the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, which has Air Force, Army, and Navy ROTC programs. Another great option is St. John's University, which has an Army ROTC program.

Winona State University is another option for the Army ROTC. For the Air Force, there are cooperative ROTC programs at the University of St. Thomas and St. Catherine University through the University of Minnesota as well.

The program you choose to enroll in doesn't have to be exclusively at the school you attend. You might participate in co-op programs which allow you to be enrolled at one school while participating in the ROTC program at another.

In terms of accommodation, many of these schools offer the opportunity to apply for ROTC scholarships which can cover a significant part, if not all, of your tuition. Some schools may even offer additional benefits like textbook allowances or monthly stipends.

As you consider your options, be sure to contact the ROTC offices at these universities. They can provide detailed information on the programs, benefits, and requirements. Best of luck with your endeavors!

4 months ago

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