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College Failure Rates. How common is it to fail a class?

Feeling a little stressed about an upcoming final... Just out of curiosity, how common is it for college students to fail at least one class throughout their academic career? Just trying to put things in perspective, and maybe I'm not the only one who's struggling.

4 months ago

Experiencing challenges in college classes is very common, so you're not alone in this. When it comes to failing a class, it's a little more complicated to determine the exact rates. Official statistics tend to vary across universities and individual courses, with many schools often choosing not to publicize failure rates.

From a broader perspective, a significant number of college students do deal with academic obstacles. In terms of individual classes, several factors come into play, such as the difficulty of the class, the professor, and the overall workload of the students. Certain complex courses related to STEM subjects might see notably higher failure rates due to their difficulty. Also, larger-sized intro-level classes are notorious for having higher rates of students struggling.

One thing to remember here is that struggling in a class or failing it does not define your whole academic career. Many successful people have experienced academic challenges in their past. The key thing is learning from these challenges and seeking help when you need it, such as reaching out to professors, academic advisors, or tutoring services.

In conclusion, while specific rates of failure might be hard to pin down, it’s safe to say that if you're struggling with a class, you're certainly not the only one.

4 months ago

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