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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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LGBTQ+ Friendliness: Lafayette College?

Hello all, I identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and I'm considering applying to Lafayette College. However, I've heard some mixed messages about the community there. Has anyone experienced or heard about how welcoming (or not) Lafayette College is for LGBTQ+ students?

4 months ago

Greetings! It's awesome you're giving this consideration in your college search - finding a supportive and inclusive campus is extremely important. While I don't have personal experience, I've observed and analyzed various details on Lafayette College's support for LGBTQ+ students.

From my understanding, Lafayette College has made continuous strides to foster a supportive and inclusive community. The college has installed various gender-neutral restrooms around the campus, and their housing policy allows for gender-inclusive housing.

Moreover, The LGBTQ+/Gender/Sexuality initiative, through the Office of Equity and Inclusion, is dedicated to ensuring that all Lafayette students have a full, rich college experience. The college's Queer Student Alliance (QSA) actively organizes events and discussions that engage with queer issues.

That being said, as with any college, individual experiences can vary widely and some students might face more challenges than others. I'd suggest reaching out directly to the QSA or to Lafayette's Office of Equity and Inclusion. They could provide you with firsthand accounts of the environment at Lafayette and answer more specific questions you might have.

As with any decision, researching and asking questions is key, much like you're doing here. Also keep in mind any considerations about academic fit, financial aid availability, and other elements of the campus atmosphere as well during your search. Best of luck!

4 months ago

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