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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Struggling With College Acceptance Rates?

Hey guys, feeling a little stressy, spaghetti, nervous yeti about this whole college application process. Can anyone tell me which colleges tend to have the lowest acceptance rates? I'm trying to balance my application list with a mix of reach, match, and safety schools.

4 months ago

Absolutely, it's a good strategy to balance your college list by considering the acceptance rates. Having a mix of reach, match, and safety schools can help increase your chances of getting an acceptance letter in the spring!

Starting with schools that are usually considered "reach schools" due to their low acceptance rates, you might look at colleges such as Stanford, Columbia, and Harvard. These schools regularly see acceptance rates under 7%.

For "match" schools, these might be institutions with acceptance rates that hover around 30-50%. Some examples could be larger public universities like University of Florida or University of Texas, Austin.

"Safety" schools, on the other hand, generally have acceptance rates above 60%. These could be regional or in-state public universities depending on your GPA and test scores.

Remember, though, acceptance rate is just one factor to consider. It's also extremely important to look at the academic profile of accepted students (GPA, test scores, if they're submitted) and make sure it aligns with yours, especially when determining if a school is a reach, match, or safety.

Also keep in mind that some programs or majors within a university might be more competitive than others, so while the overall acceptance rate might seem high, specific programs may have lower acceptance rates.

This can be a stressful process, I know, but remember to breathe and take it one step at a time. You're on the right path by thoughtfully building your college list!

4 months ago

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