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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Calculus requirement for college - is it a must for STEM programs?

Alright, so I'm stressing a bit about course selection. I'm aiming for a STEM major, and I've got to know – which colleges are hardcore about needing you to have taken calculus in high school? I don't want to miss out on my dream program just because I didn't take the right math class.

a year ago

For most competitive STEM programs, having calculus on your transcript can be very important. It demonstrates that you've tackled the most challenging math coursework available in many high schools. However, not all STEM programs have a hard calculus requirement, especially if your school doesn't offer it. Admissions officers evaluate your transcript within the context of what's available at your school. If calculus isn't an option, advanced algebra or pre-calculus could be sufficient, particularly if you've excelled in those classes and have strong grades in your other STEM courses.

If they don't explicitly state that calculus is required, and you've shown mathematical competence through your available courses, don't let the absence of calculus dissuade you from applying. Remember, your overall academic performance and passion for STEM will also weigh heavily in your application. If you're still unsure, contacting the admissions office can provide clarity on how your application would be viewed without calculus.

a year ago

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