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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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High schoolers taking college courses: Worth it?

So I'm considering taking some college courses while in high school. For anyone who's done this, what was your experience? Is it really beneficial when it comes to college admissions?

a year ago

Absolutely! Taking college courses while still in high school can be a significant advantage for several reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates to college admissions committees that you're capable of handling college-level coursework, which is a big plus. This initiative often reflects well on your Academic Index, showing that your grades and rigor of courses are strong.

Moreover, it can also give you a feel for college academics and help you manage your time effectively—both useful skills for when you actually get to college. From experience, students who take college courses usually find the transition to college much smoother. They already know what to expect and how to manage the workload.

Just make sure that the subjects you choose align with your academic interests or proposed college major. Colleges like it when they can see a clear 'spike' in your interests and abilities, and college courses can help you develop that specialty area. All the best with your decision, and remember to balance your workload to maintain a healthy school-life balance!

a year ago

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