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Physical Therapy Programs at HBCUs: What Are My Options?

Hey fam! I'm aiming to make a difference in the PT field, and I'd love to do it through an HBCU. The whole college searching process can get overwhelming, and I'm having trouble sifting through all the options. Are there any HBCUs that offer strong programs in physical therapy?

a year ago

I'm excited to hear about your interest in pursuing a career in physical therapy through an HBCU! HBCUs have a rich history of fostering educational excellence and community, making them great options for your studies. There are several HBCUs with notable health sciences programs that you may want to look into.

Firstly, Howard University in Washington, D.C., offers a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program through their College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. It's a well-respected program with a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on evidence-based practice.

Additionally, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) provides a DPT program that focuses heavily on service, which aligns closely with your desire to make a difference in the field. Another strong program can be found at Hampton University in Virginia, where the focus is on preparing students for leadership roles in physical therapy.

Each of these programs has its unique strengths and community-based initiatives, so I encourage you to visit the campuses if possible, reach out to current students or alumni, and speak with program advisors to get a better feel for the right fit for you.

Remember that admission into DPT programs is fairly competitive, so keep up with your academics and seek out experiences that bolster your knowledge and passion for physical therapy. Best of luck on your journey to becoming a physical therapist, and I'm here if you have more questions about the process!

a year ago

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