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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which HBCUs in North Carolina are the best for pre-law students?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior starting to look at colleges and I'm super interested in attending an HBCU. North Carolina is one of my top choices for location because I have family there. For those of you who've been through this, which HBCUs in North Carolina are known for strong pre-law programs or have a great track record for getting students into law school?

11 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful you're considering HBCUs in NC for your pre-law journey. Two notable HBCUs stand out for their commitment to preparing students for law school. North Carolina Central University has a robust pre-law program and hosts a law school, which could provide a seamless transition. Their School of Law is known for civil rights, social justice, and public service and might offer unique opportunities for undergraduates.

Another great institution is Winston-Salem State University, with a strong liberal arts education that can be an excellent foundation for a legal career. While they don't have a law school on campus, they offer pre-law advising and resources to prepare for law school.

It's also worth mentioning that reputable law schools value diversity and commitment to service, which these HBCUs can help instill. Additionally, engaging in extracurriculars related to law, such as mock trial teams or internships with local law firms, can enhance your application to law schools later.

Do visit the campuses if possible, and speak with alumni and current students about their experiences. Best of luck with your decision!

11 months ago

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