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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Benefits of HBCU Certificate Programs

Hey everyone, I've been looking at various ways to beef up my resume before diving into the college app process. I came across certificate programs offered by HBCUs and I'm wondering, how might these programs be viewed by admissions officers? Do they add significant value?

a year ago

Hi there! Participating in a certificate program, especially one from a recognized institution like an HBCU, can indeed add a unique element to your resume. It shows you're actively seeking ways to expand your knowledge and skills outside of the mandatory high school curriculum.

Admissions officers generally appreciate applicants who take initiative and demonstrate a desire for self-improvement and intellectual growth. However, keep in mind that this alone won't make or break an application.

It's best if the certificate program aligns with your intended major or showcased passion, as this continuity strengthens your narrative as an applicant. For example, if you're planning to major in Business and you complete a certificate in Entrepreneurship from an HBCU, it tells a consistent story of your interests and dedication to your field.

Nevertheless, ensure that your participation doesn't come at the expense of your high school grades or main extracurricular involvements, as those are fundamental components of your college application.

a year ago

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