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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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HBCU Classic - Worth it for prospective students?

Has anyone been to an HBCU Classic event, and would you say it's a good opportunity for a high school junior to get a feel for the HBCU community and spirit? I'm considering tickets but wondering if it's beneficial in the college decision process.

a year ago

Hello! Attending an HBCU Classic can definitely be an eye-opener, as you get to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and community spirit that HBCUs are known for. The event will feature plenty of excitement about the game itself, but also band performances and a number of informal opportunities to interact with current students and alumni.

By the end of the day, you'll have a great sense of how you'd fit into that environment, which is something that can be difficult to grasp just from reading brochures or scanning websites. I'd say if you're considering an HBCU, experiencing the Classic can provide a unique and authentic insight into the school's culture that could absolutely help in your college decision process.

If you end up attending one, to get the most out of it you'll want to approach it with an open mind and take advantage of the opportunity to chat with people you meet there. If you do those things, you'll get more than just a sense of the school's spirit, but also a glimpse into the collegiate life and network these schools foster.

Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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