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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Strengths of UWashington?

The University of Washington seems pretty impressive, and it's in a great location too - love me some Seattle! What are the strongest or most reputable academic programs they offer? If anyone has specific insights into what UW is known for, that would be super helpful!

a year ago

It's wonderful that you're considering the University of Washington (UW), a school celebrated for its strong academic programs across various fields.

The most reputable programs at UW include computer science, bioengineering, and anything to do with health. In fact, UW's Computer Science and Engineering department is consistently ranked among the top in the nation and even the world, on par with more well-known institutions like MIT. If you're an aspiring physician, you also couldn't do much better than UW, which will give you phenomenal preparation for medical school plus access to some of the best hospitals in the world, including Seattle Children's, Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Beyond STEM, the Foster School of Business is also highly regarded, especially for those interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, owing in part to the school's proximity to major tech companies in and around Seattle—you may have heard Microsoft and Amazon once or twice before! And if you're interested in the natural sciences, their Oceanography program is considered one of the best—location is also a big factor here, since Puget Sound is practically at your doorstep.

If any of these programs align with your interests, consider hopping onto UW's website to get a clearer sense of their more specific offerings, and how they align with your own sub-interests within these fields. Reaching out to professors or current students majoring in these subjects can give you an even more concrete sense of what your life would look like as a UW student.

Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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