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SAT: 720 math
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Best HBCU for cybersecurity?

As someone deeply interested in cybersecurity, I'm looking towards specialized programs for my college education. I've been checking out HBCUs lately and I'm wondering if there are any that are specifically recognized for their programs in cybersecurity. Does anyone on here have recommendations or know where I could find stats or success stories about cybersecurity graduates from HBCUs?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful to hear about your interest in cybersecurity and your consideration of HBCUs for your education. One institution that stands out is Norfolk State University in Virginia. They have a strong cybersecurity program and have received national recognition for their efforts in cyber defense education.

Another option to consider is Morgan State University in Maryland, which offers cybersecurity programs and has partnerships with government agencies. For success stories, I'd recommend visiting the schools' websites and looking for alumni pages or contacting the school's career services office. They often highlight where their graduates have gone on to work, which can give you a sense of the program's efficacy.

You can also check out each institution's research initiatives and partnerships with industry, as these are good indicators of the program's relevance and rigor. Lastly, be sure to reach out to admissions counselors at each HBCU you're interested in. They can provide detailed information on program offerings and connect you with faculty or current students who can share their experiences.

Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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