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SAT: 720 math
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How important are HBCU football programs in college admissions?

Hey everyone! I’m looking into HBCUs and their vibrant campus life, and I'm wondering how important the football programs are during the admissions process. Do colleges like FAMU or Howard consider your interest or participation in football culture, or is it more about academic achievements and other extracurriculars?

a year ago

Hey there! It’s awesome that you’re exploring HBCUs – they indeed have dynamic campus cultures that are unlike those you'd find at any other school, and football games are absolutely a part of building that culture.

When it comes to admissions, though, the football culture at HBCUs won't influence your chances of acceptance unless you’re being recruited as a football player. Schools like FAMU, Howard, and other HBCUs prioritize academic achievements, leadership roles, community service, and other extracurricular activities, not your interest in attending football games, as they know there's more than one way to be an involved member of their community.

However, expressing a genuine interest in being a part of campus life, which could include football, may reflect well in your application essays or interviews as it shows you’re looking to fully engage with the HBCU experience. Just ensure that your academic qualifications and extracurriculars demonstrate your potential as a well-rounded applicant, rather than dedicating all of your essays to talking about football.

Best of luck to you!

a year ago

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