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ETS Presidential Scholarship for HBCU Students

Hey everyone! I'm currently a junior and exploring scholarship opportunities for college. I've heard about the ETS Presidential Scholarship for HBCU students and was wondering if anyone knows what the eligibility criteria are? Also, how competitive is it, and does it cover full tuition? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic you're exploring scholarships early on. The ETS Presidential Scholarship for HBCU students is a wonderful opportunity. As for eligibility, students usually need to have an outstanding academic record and demonstrate leadership potential.

Often, they require you to be enrolled or planning to enroll in one of the HBCUs and sometimes have specific requirements like a certain GPA or test scores. It can be quite competitive due to the prestigious nature of the scholarship and the caliber of students who apply.

While the scholarship can be quite generous, whether it covers full tuition or not may vary each year and depending on the institution's costs. For the most precise and up-to-date information, I'd recommend checking out the official ETS website or contacting them directly. They'll provide you with the specifics on eligibility, award amounts, and application procedures. Good luck!

a year ago

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