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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How can I learn more about the HBCU Executive Leadership Institute?

Okay, so I stumbled upon the HBCU Executive Leadership Institute online, and I'm intrigued. Does anyone know what kind of programs or opportunities it offers for students? Could it be beneficial for someone like me who is interested in leadership and management?

a year ago

The HBCU Executive Leadership Institute is an exceptional initiative that focuses on preparing future leaders and administrators, specifically in the context of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. It offers programs that can significantly enhance your understanding and skills in leadership, management, and higher education administration.

For students interested in these areas, participating in their programs or even attending their events, panels, and webinars can be incredibly beneficial. They often bring in seasoned professionals and leaders from various fields to share insights and practical knowledge. To learn more, I'd suggest diving into their website and looking for any student resources or contact information for program coordinators.

They may also have fellowships or internships that you could apply for to gain direct experience. Keep an eye on their announcements for new sessions or networking opportunities that can further your interests in leadership and management.

a year ago

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