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Can someone give me the scoop on Virginia HBCU schools?

Hello friends! I'm doing my college search and I've got family in Virginia, so I'm curious about the HBCU scene there. Can anyone share their thoughts or insights on the HBCU schools in Virginia? Are there any that have strong programs in business or STEM? Want to make the most informed decision I can, and firsthand experiences would be super helpful!

a year ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to share some insights on Virginia HBCUs! Virginia is home to some fantastic HBCUs with a variety of strong programs, including in business and STEM fields. Norfolk State University, for one, has a well-regarded College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, which offers a range of STEM-related programs. They're also known for their cybersecurity program, which has received national recognition.

Hampton University is another HBCU in Virginia that's worth looking into. They have the School of Business, which includes an MBA program and notable undergraduate business specializations. Plus, they offer programs in the STEM field through the School of Science and the School of Engineering and Technology. These schools have excellent faculty and resources that could provide you with a strong education in your areas of interest.

Virginia State University also has the Reginald F. Lewis College of Business, which has been accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), a hallmark of excellence in business education.

When considering these schools, it's also a good idea to look at the campus life, internships, research opportunities, and the alumni network which can all enhance your college experience and post-graduation success. Reach out to the schools' admission offices, and if possible, arrange campus visits to get a feel for the environment and the community.

I hope this helps you get started on finding the right fit for you in Virginia! Good luck in your college search!

a year ago

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