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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there exclusive HBCU debit cards?

I saw somewhere online about HBCU-branded debit cards and I'm kind of curious. Do these actually exist? If so, are they linked to any benefits for students, like discounts or banking perks? Thanks for any info, it sounds like a cool way to show school pride!

a year ago

Hey there! Yes, HBCU-branded debit cards do exist and they're a great way to show pride for your institution while also enjoying some benefits. Several financial institutions have partnered with HBCUs to offer co-branded debit cards to students, alumni, and supporters.

Often, these cards are linked to checking accounts that are tailored to meet the needs of the college community. Benefits can include no monthly fees, free financial education resources, and a portion of the fee income generated from card usage typically goes back to support the university and its programs.

For instance, I know that one well-known bank offers an HBCU Alumni debit card that gives back a contribution to the holder's chosen HBCU for each purchase. On top of that, certain banks may offer additional perks like cash back rewards, discounts at specific merchants, or promotions linked to campus events.

If you're looking for specifics, it's best to check out the financial institution's website or reach out to the HBCU's financial services department directly for the most up-to-date info. It's an awesome way to have a practical tool like a debit card double as a means of support to your school!

a year ago

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