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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any tips on how to track volunteer hours for high school most effectively?

Yo, so I'm volunteering at different places and I need to log these hours for school, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right. How do y'all keep track of your hours and ensure everything is recorded properly? Do colleges verify this stuff?

a year ago

Hello there! I've gone through this with my kiddo not too long ago! We found the best way to track volunteer hours is to keep a dedicated spreadsheet. Make columns for the date, number of hours, activity description, and a contact person at the organization. Each time you volunteer, update it immediately. This habit avoids any confusion later on. My child would also get a signature from a supervisor each time, if possible—it adds a level of verification colleges might appreciate. About colleges verifying hours, it's not common for them to do detailed checks, but they might reach out to the contacts you provide if they want to confirm your involvement in an activity. So keep your records honest and clear. Some schools might use apps or platforms for logging hours, so check if that's an option. Best of luck with your volunteering, it's a wonderful thing to give back to the community!

a year ago

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