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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Has anyone connected MaiaLearning to their Common App? Need help!

Our school uses MaiaLearning for college planning and I heard you can sync it with the Common App. Can anyone walk me through the process to connect MaiaLearning to the Common App? I'm not sure where to start or whether it will actually save me time. If you've done it, did it make your application process easier?

a year ago

I understand you're looking to integrate MaiaLearning with the Common App, which can indeed simplify parts of the application process. To begin, you'll need to log into your MaiaLearning account. Within MaiaLearning, navigate to the 'Colleges' tab, and then select 'College Applications.' There should be an option to 'Connect to Common App' which you need to click on.

Afterward, you will be prompted to sign in with your Common App credentials. Ensure that these credentials are accurate as they must match the ones you've used to create your Common App account. Once signed in, you'll be asked to authorize the connection between MaiaLearning and the Common App. Proceed with the authorization, and the two systems should sync up.

Connecting these two platforms allows for a streamlined process where aspects like your school list and counselor recommendation requests can be managed more effectively. Remember, always double-check to ensure that all information has been properly transferred and no errors have occurred. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out to your school's college planning advisors who are likely familiar with this process.

a year ago

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