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What are the benefits of joining a tennis team at an HBCU?

So, I've been playing tennis for my high school and I love it. Considering tennis programs at HBCUs for my college career, but what are the actual benefits of being a part of one? Are there opportunities unique to HBCUs I should know about?

11 months ago

Firstly, HBCUs have a unique culture and community that can offer a strong support network both on and off the court. This environment often fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment across campus, but you may feel it even more powerfully if you're on a team, especially a relatively small one like the tennis team.

Moreover, being part of a tennis team at an HBCU could open doors to mentorship opportunities with tennis alumni who are eager to support current students. You'd be able to connect with alums as a non-athlete, of course, but having the shared experience of being on the tennis team can lead to a more immediate bond. Building this network could prove to be advantageous later on when you're considering career options.

Also, if you're interested in contributing to diversity in tennis, which has historically been a predominantly white sport, and has seen athletes like the Williams sisters face outsized scrutiny and judgement, playing at an HBCU could be particularly fulfilling. The chance to play tennis while getting an education that values and uplifts the Black community could be a unique and enriching experience.

On a practical level, some HBCUs may also offer scholarships that can make college more affordable. I'd recommend reaching out to the coaches of the HBCU tennis programs you're interested in to learn more about their specific offerings and opportunities, to get a better sense of playing tennis in college, and specifically at an HBCU, would be right for you.

Best of luck with your tennis journey!

11 months ago

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