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What's the latest in HBCU baseball and how does it affect prospective student athletes?

Hey all! I'm a junior and a pretty decent baseball player. I'm seriously considering playing for an HBCU but I'm not up to speed on the current state of HBCU baseball programs. How do the rankings work and do they even matter for recruitment? Also, how can I use my baseball skills to enhance my college application to an HBCU? Tips would be super helpful!

a year ago

It's awesome to hear about your interest in playing baseball for an HBCU! Rankings come from a variety of sources and criteria, including win-loss records, strength of schedule, and sometimes subjective criteria from polls. While rankings can impact perceptions, for recruitment, coaches are primarily interested in your skill level, academic eligibility, and potential to contribute to the team.

Rankings can be useful information for you, however, if you're set on playing for a top program. Do keep in mind, though, that team performance can vary widely as strong classes of recruits enter or graduate, so it may be worth looking at each team's performance over the last 10 years or so to get a clearer sense of whether they're consistently successful.

To use your baseball skills to enhance your application, ensure your athletic performance stands out, ideally in a quantifiable way. Create a highlight reel, attend camps or showcases, and gather references from coaches.

In addition to raw athletic talent, HBCUs, like all institutions, value student-athletes who demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and perseverance, as these are skills that would serve you well on or off the baseball diamond. Emphasize these aspects in your application, potentially through your essays, alongside your commitment to the sport.

Also, reach out to HBCU coaches to express your interest and learn more about their programs—they may be able to offer recruitment tips specific to their schools. Also make sure to balance your sports commitments with your academics, as your academic profile will also play a role in admissions decisions—most schools have a required minimum GPA even for recruited athletes.

Best of luck with your journey towards a potential baseball career at an HBCU!

a year ago

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