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How can I find out which HBCUs offer D1 football programs?

Hey guys, I'm doing some research into colleges and I'm trying to find out which HBCUs have Division 1 football teams. Does anyone know where I can get a list or if there's a resource out there for this kind of info?

11 months ago

Hello! I would be glad to guide you through the process of finding this information. A comprehensive resource that you can utilize for researching HBCUs with Division 1 football programs is the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) website. They have a list of all the schools participating in various divisions across sports.

Additionally, the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) and the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) are two conferences that primarily consist of HBCUs with Division 1 football teams. By checking the member schools on their websites, you will be able to identify which HBCUs compete at the Division 1 level in football. Another valuable tool is the College Board’s BigFuture search feature, which allows you to filter colleges by sports and division.

Finally, CollegeVine's own website also lists whether or not a school has D1 athletics!

I hope this helps in your search!

11 months ago

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