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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How much does taking sports medicine classes in high school help with college admissions?

Hey fellow juniors, I’m super interested in potentially pursuing a career in sports medicine and I noticed my high school offers classes related to it. For those of you who have taken sports medicine classes, do you think it strengthened your college application, especially if you're aiming for a related major? Does participation in such specialized classes make a difference to admissions officers or should I focus more on other areas?

11 months ago

Hello there! It's great to hear about your interest in sports medicine. Taking classes related to your potential career path can indeed strengthen your college application, as it demonstrates a clear interest and early commitment to that field of study. Admissions officers look for students who have pursued their interests with vigor, and choosing such specialized classes is a concrete way to show this. It aligns with the idea of having a 'spike' in your application, which can make you stand out.

However, don't neglect a well-rounded course load that includes other rigorous classes and extracurriculars relevant to your interests. For example, if your school has a health club or you have the opportunity to shadow a professional in the field, these experiences can also enrich your application.

Keep in mind that the most competitive applicants usually show a combination of strong academics, related extracurricular activities, and personal passion projects. So yes, go for the sports medicine classes, but also look for additional ways to explore and demonstrate your interest in the field. Best of luck!

11 months ago

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